UAuth Integration
UAuth is a secure and flexible decentralized identity provider that enables privacy preserving authentication in various systems and applications.
- OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a standard protocol for identity authentication and authorization. OIDC integration enables you to use UAuth as an identity provider for any system or application; enabling ease of integration of privacy preserving unique identifiers.
OIDC Service Endpoint:
Authorization Code Flow with PKCE
The Authorization Code Flow with PKCE (Proof Key for Code Exchange) is a secure OAuth 2.0 authentication method that enhances the security of the standard Authorization Code flow. It’s particularly designed for applications that can’t securely store client secrets, such as native and single-page applications, but can also be used for confidential clients.
Here’s a high-level overview:
Client Registration: The client (application) registers with the authorization server and obtains a client ID.
Code Challenge and Method: Before making the authorization request, the client generates a code verifier and a code challenge. The code challenge is derived from the code verifier by using a method such as S256 (SHA256).
Authorization Request: The client directs the resource owner (user) to the authorization server, including the code challenge and the method used to derive it.
Authorization Grant: If the resource owner consents, the authorization server issues an authorization code to the client.
Token Request: The client requests an id token (and optionally an access token) from the authorization server’s token endpoint by including the authorization code and the code verifier.
Token Response: The authorization server validates the code verifier against the previously received code challenge. If valid, it responds with an id token and, if requested, an access token.
This flow ensures that even if an authorization code is intercepted, it cannot be exchanged for an id token without the code verifier, which is not exposed in the authorization request. This mitigates the risk of authorization code interception attacks and makes the Authorization Code Flow with PKCE suitable for both public and confidential clients.
Authentication Flow
Authorization Code Flow Requests
Authorization Request
GET /oauth2/v2.0/authorize? HTTP/1.1
Parameter | Required | Description |
client_id | true | ClientId of the Registered Application in the UltraPass Portal |
response_type | true | Must include code |
redirect_uri | true | A valid redirect_uri configured for the Registered Application in the UltraPass Portal |
scope | true | Should contain either openid or can use default scope by specifying the client_id if access_tokens are required |
code_challenge | true | The code_challenge is a Base64 URL-encoded SHA256 hash of the code_verifier . The code_verifier must be stored within your application for later use. For more information on using a code_verifier and generating a code_challenge , see the PKCE RFC. |
code_challenge_method | true | This is the method used to encode the code_verifier when generating the value for the code_challenge parameter. This MUST be S256. |
response_mode | false | Determines how the authoriation code is returned to your application. Accepted values: query,form_post,fragment |
Token Retrieval
POST /oauth2/v2.0/token? HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Parameter | Required | Description |
grant_type | true | This must be authorization_code |
client_id | true | ClientId of the Registered Application in the UltraPass Portal |
scope | true | Should contain either openid or can use default scope by specifying the client_id if access_tokens are required |
code | true | The code previously returned from the /authorize endpoint. |
redirect_uri | true | A valid redirect_uri configured for the Registered Application in the UltraPass Portal |
code_verifier | true | The code_verifier used in the previous /authorize request used to receive an authorization code |